Temperature gauges – 7250 series
Dial thermometers for tanks with thermowell.
7250 series
Length: 250mm
Measurement range: – 30 + 50°C
Horizontal or vertical grip
Dial Ø 80
Thermowell: M ½’’ NPT

Product categories
This product is present in the following categories:
- LPG > LPG storage > Small bulk LPG storage tanks > Instrumentation
- Industrial gases > Refrigerant gases > Equipment for tanks and pipings > Instrumentation
- LPG > LPG storage > Above ground big bulk LPG storage tanks > Instrumentation
- LPG > LPG storage > Pipings and accessories > Instrumentation
- LPG > LPG storage > Under ground big bulk LPG storage tanks > Instrumentation
- Industrial gases > Ammoniac - NH3 > Equipment for tanks and pipings > Instrumentation