Electronic transmitters and receivers for magnetic level gauges
Electronic devices for remote transmission of the indication of volume detected by the magnetic gauge.
Application: Remote transmission of the volume of gas in the tank to a control console and control of various equipment according to factory-preset setpoints (closing of valves, flashing light ignition, etc.).
Types of output signals: Hall effect (5.5Vdc, 2.5Vdc or 3.3Vdc), Potentiometric, 4-20mA.

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Product categories
This product is present in the following categories:
- LPG > LPG storage > Under ground big bulk LPG storage tanks > Instrumentation
- Industrial gases > Ammoniac - NH3 > Equipment for tanks and pipings > Instrumentation
- LPG > LPG storage > Small bulk LPG storage tanks > Instrumentation
- Industrial gases > Refrigerant gases > Equipment for tanks and pipings > Instrumentation
- LPG > LPG storage > Above ground big bulk LPG storage tanks > Instrumentation